So true…


God, You have some type of sense of humor giving us moms only 2 hands.

What do you do when 100% of your household is crying?  Just like crisis triage…  Figure out who can even be helped and who’s most in need of help.  If they’re just walking wounded, move them to the safe yellow mat and run, mommy, run. 

OK, maybe not the last part.  Praise God He reminds us how we are so not self-sufficient.  May I learn to rely on God for everything, especially for the wisdom I need to raise my beautiful children.  May I laugh and enjoy this season of life a whole lot.


Caleb is in bed.  He should be asleep, but instead, I’m hearing this boy reciting letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds.  I can’t get mad.  His head is just full of letters.  I’m amazed at how God has made children’s brains into sponges.  They learn so much so quickly. 

I thought Caleb was too young to learn his alphabet and numbers.  Then I heard a neighbor mom talking about this DVD called the Letter Factory that taught her 3.5 year old all his letters and the sounds that go with the letters.  The next week, our friend Belinda came to visit and told me she had been using the DVD on her son.  So, we got the DVD.  I showed it to Caleb the day after his birthday party.  In 5 or 6 days, Caleb could say the whole alphabet and the their sounds.  I was amazed.  Every where we go, he notices letters. 
