A Present From Caris to Daddy

Caleb likes to give me things.  He leaves cars by my bed when I get home from work.  Caris also likes to leave presents for me.  Actually, this one was for mommy, but mommy gave it to me. 


Take a closer look.


No, take a real close look.


There’s a string inside her poop.  That’s because she picks up everything on the floor and puts it into her mouth.  And eventually it comes out here.  But look at this sweet poop.  This thing measures at least 6 to 7 inches.  That’s one big poop for a baby.  You can even tell the poop was from different meals.  How awesome is that.

Kiddie Kandids

Went in for our family picture this morning.  Got some pictures of the family.  Got some pictures of Caleb & Caris.  And then got some pictures for Caris’ 9 month.  Here they are.









9-Month Shots

Caris got her 9-month shots today.  Her thighs are sporting some Charlie Brown blue bandaids.  Caleb got his influenza booster shot.  It’s a “I’m really out of it” benadryl day for him. 

OK, the 9-month stats for our baby girl…

Length – 28.5” (80%)

Weight – 18lbs, 6.5oz (45%)… and everybody tells us she looks so chubby!  Maybe it’s just an Asian thing to tell somebody their baby looks chubby.




Crawling Caris

So our little girl started crawling right before 6 months.  Well, kind of.  She did this modified form of crawling… she looked like a caterpillar.  Pretty much at the same time as this crawling developed, she began sitting up really well.  So, I started letting her just sit.  She seemed to really enjoy this upright position.  I didn’t let her practice tummy time as much.  So, then about a week ago, I started putting her back on her tummy more often.  Caris was not so happy about this change.  But, now she’s back to practicing her crawling.  She’s finally starting to get more control of her mobility, though she’s not yet doing full on hand-knee crawling yet. 



Brother & Sister

Caleb & Caris really do like each other.  It’s pretty cute to see.  Caleb gets very concerned if he thinks I might be forgetting “mei-mei” (little sister in Mandarin) in the car.  Caris always flashes a big grin when she sees “ge-ge” (big brother).




(Notice the kitchen stool Caleb used to find his way into Caris’ play yard)



They’re even starting to sleep the same way at the same time.  Mind you, they’re in different rooms.  Strange.




Caleb still does get jealous that Caris does certain things he doesn’t get to do. And, he’s not so happy that Caris is now taking his toys and exploring them with her mouth.  His favorite phrase with her now is, “Sister, no… Stop!  Mei-mei, no, stop.  Mine. Caleb’s.” 


And the teeth just keep on coming…

Caris is getting at least 2 more teeth right now.  The bottom lateral incisors are right under the gum skin.  This now explains why our daughter has become of waterfall of drool.  How come our kids get their teeth so early?  Caris isn’t even 7 months old yet.  (We’ll post pictures of her new teeth when they become more visible.)

At least Caleb is done with his teething for now.  20 pearly whites.  So, why is Caleb still Mr. Drooly?  We haven’t a clue. 


Caris and Her Solid Foods

After rice cereal, Caris had avocado.


… and plum… besides many other foods since then.




Not the cleanest eater, but then… even Caleb isn’t always the cleanest eater.


Kiddie Kandids, 2009-08-10

So we’ve been taking Caleb & Caris to Kiddie Kandids at Babies R Us for their major pictures.  It just so happened that we got Caleb’s 2 year pictures, and Caris’ 6 month pictures done at the same time.  So we have to take pictures with them as well.  Color & picture coordinated, here they are.









Caris & Chris

Caris is chatting it up.  Well, kind of.  This video was taken about a month ago… so, she’s more talkative now.

Caris Sleeping in Her Carseat

I was driving to a nearby park to take Caleb out to play.  I knew Caris was tired.  From the driver’s seat, I saw her head slumped forward.  I thought she was playing, trying to reach a toy in front of her.  Then I stopped at a light, Caris’ head fell back, and I saw that she was asleep.  But she’s so big now, she doesn’t fit easily into her head rest/support.  We still used it, though, cuz it looks like she’s comfy in it.  But once she pulls her head out of it, it’s hard for her to fit her head back into it.  Mommy has now removed the head rest so Caris’ head can flop anywhere it wants.

