Bad bad germs

Awh, Caleb has his first cold. I feel so bad for him. It started off with congestion, which I thought just might be from the heater being on too long and too strong last night. Then at Monrovia Canyon, he was crying and his snot went down to his chest. I’ve never seen that before with Caleb. I was hoping it was just the cold weather increasing his nasal mucous drainage. But the congestion only got worse. Now he has a cough and really bad runny nose. And he puked up phlegm/boogers earlier. My poor munchkin. And I can’t even get him to sleep/nap even when I hold him the whole time. He doesn’t want to sleep (not that that’s anything new). But I’m even more frustrated since I know how important it is for him to get sleep now that he’s sick.

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