Sleeping, New Tooth and New Home

If you haven’t heard, Caleb hasn’t been sleeping well. It’s not that he doesn’t sleep. It’s just that he doesn’t like to sleep. Yvonne’s got his sleep cycle down, but knowing his sleep cycle doesn’t mean he actually stays asleep. For daytime naps, Caleb’s schedule goes like this:

0 min – Falls asleep
25 min – Stirs awake.

It’s at this point where intervention is almost always needed. First off you need to be holding him. Secondly, adult intervention is required usually in the form of bouncing up and down, sticking a finger in his mouth, or a combination of the two. If all doesn’t go well, he’s awake after his 25 minute nap. If all does go well, Caleb passes this moment back into slumber land. This process continues:

45 min – Stirs awake.
1 hour 45 min – Stirs awake.

According to, babies at four months of age need 12-15 hours of sleep a day. Now if Caleb only goes down for 25 minute naps at a time, he doesn’t get enough sleep. And when he doesn’t get enough sleep, he gets grumpy until he finally crashes before his normal bedtime.

It’s not easy getting him asleep and keeping him asleep. But Caleb is getting enough sleep now (most days), but it’s hard work. We’ve even had to trick him into thinking we’re still holding. That’s what it’s come down to.

Caleb + Pillows

Nighttime sleeping is a different matter though. This whole sleep cycle is different for some reason. He can actually stay asleep pass that 25 minute barrier. Problem is he’s developing too fast. He talks, he rolls, he’s teething. All this complicates his sleep, which complicates our sleep.

Caleb popped his first tooth a few weeks ago, and this morning we can see his second tooth about to pop out. No wonder he keeps waking so often during the night. I wish I could get a good picture of it.

You probably didn’t notice, but has a new home. It’s on a new server that is. Hopefully it’s much more reliable and much faster. Cause all know the real reason why you’re here. It’s not to read stories. It’s to see pictures of Caleb.

Sitting Caleb Playing Caleb + Tommy Headphones Bumbo Naked Funny suit

Look like who?

So it seems like the consensus opinon is that Caleb looks like Yvonne. It’s about 75% in favor of Yvonne. Minus my family, and that number shoots up close to 100%.

Yvonne and I were looking at our infant photos just to compare. So now… who does he look like? Picture 1? Or Picture 2?


Picture 1
Picture 1

Picture 2
Picture 2

Kiddie Kandid Pictures

Now this kid thinks he’s adorable, huh? I think not. Don’t be deceived.

Caleb w/ Tigger

We got pictures done a couple days ago. There are more pictures at picasaweb if you’re interested. Again, he’s not cute at all so there’s no bother. But there is a handsome picture of me if you’re interested.

Breastfeeding and A Dream

Context: Yvonne and I have been trying to get our baby to only breastfeed. For the past week and a half, Yvonne’s been pumping her breast and then Caleb is being bottle-fed. And every once in a while we’d try to get him on the breast again. Before he’s been unable to efficiently get milk from the breast. And Yvonne’s boob would be all tender and raw and cracked. So that’s why we had to resort to pumping and bottle-feeding. But it came to a point where now Caleb is now knowing that the bottle is easier and not even trying on the breast. So yesterday afternoon, we went breast only. And boy has it been hard. It’s been so hard on Yvonne, but I’m so proud of her. She’s really toughing it out, but our boy is finally get full feedings on the breast, and he hasn’t been bottle fed for 18 hours now. And boy is still getting enough milk. But it’s still hard. And it takes an extremely long time. Patience is wearing thin and frustrations are building. So please pray for Yvonne and Caleb. They need it.

So last night I was having all these dreams about him breastfeeding. Sometimes he’d do well in my dream. Sometimes not. But here’s the last one I had.

Dream: This is the end of the dream. I was riding in Yvonne’s car with the baby. Kurtis from work was with me for some strange reason, but we were pulling into Truth Seminary. Wayne’s car was parked there among other cars, so of course I back up into the parking sport next to his at a fast rate with the brake not working. Great parking job anyways.

So I go into the Truth Seminary room with Caleb. Apparently Eric is recording baby sucking sounds for unknown reasons. Kevin Chan is sitting there doing homework or something. And John is about to leave cause he just finished his baby sounds for Eric. Flora is now going to record some sounds. So she puts this thing in her mouth and starts sucking this thing like a pacifier. Now I’m thinking this is really strange. I put Caleb down next to Flora’s face where the recording equipment is. And then Caleb rips this huge fart. I say, “now that’s authentic.”

I am then soon awaken to the baby’s cries for food. Sorry, Yvonne. Caleb is a “Hungry Saurous” as his bib says.

A Baby is born! (A father’s perspective)

So you all heard that Yvonne’s water broke. Well not much longer did she give birth to a beautiful baby boy.

June 27, 2007, 22:45
Caleb Joshua Wong is born
6 pounds 13 ounces
18 inches long

So I must start from the beginning. That was 3 and a half weeks ago when Yvonne started bleeding. Apparently she had lost her mucous plug. Of course we not knowing much about pregnancy and labor start looking this stuff up on the net. We find out that labor is imminent! That’s a sign that labor should be starting soon! It could start the next day. Or it could start a week from then. At least that’s what I read.

So the next day comes and goes. And then the next day. And then the one after that. And then a week goes by. Yvonne still is bleeding periodically. But the OB says that’s normal and labor can start at ANY TIME. So again, 2 weeks go by. 3 weeks….

Where’s the baby?

3 and a half weeks later after we were expecting an early baby, Caleb finally decides he’s had enough of it and breaks out only 2 days before the due date.

Thanks for making us worry, Caleb.

So at 5pm yesterday, Yvonne calls me at work telling me her water broke.

(Now for those of you who are ignorant of this fact, like I was before this child, the water breaking is NOT typical for labor beginning. In fact, only about 10 percent of labors does the water break before the labor actually starts. Most water breakage occurs during the middle or end of labor when the baby is about to give birth. So when you see all these movies about the mom’s water breaking and them giving birth 5 minutes later, that just don’t happen. It’s all a lie. Mostly at least. Anyways…. I digress).

We knew what to do if the water broke and we were early. But the baby is full term and the water breaks, we didn’t know what to do. So again, the internet is my friend. I read that labor usually begins within the next 24 hours. Sometimes immediately. Sometimes 24 hours later. But sometime within that period. So I figure that labor for the first child usually lasts 12 hours. And she just broke her water, but she’s not necessarily in labor yet. So I decide I didn’t need to rush home just yet. And neither did Yvonne. “Take your time,” she tells me.

So I go do some 3v3 and 2v2 action WoW before going home (I suck by the way). And then proceed to go home at my normal time. I figure if Yvonne was in lots of pain, she’d call me by now. It’ll only be early labor now anyways.

By the time I get home at 7:35, she’s lying on the ground of bathroom writhing in pain, like the kind of pain she used to get with your tummy. So it’s serious time now. But that’s weird. It’s only been 2 and a half hours. Early labor usually lasts longer than that. For the next hour and a half, she’s fighting it hard. Definitely active labor. This labor is going fast. I call up our doula and soon after she arrives, we decide to go to the hospital.

We get to Queen of the Valley at 9:20pm. Now here’s the part the kind of got me mad. After getting admitted, they wouldn’t let me be with her for another 30 minutes. And she was in so much pain the she couldn’t stand or sit. It was brutal. Transition has started, and I couldn’t be there when it did.

I finally got into the room with her at 9:50pm, and she was working hard. Moaning and groaning. Honestly it sounded as if she was dying. If she had gotten shot the abs, that’s the kind of sound I would think she’d make.

Transition to pushing didn’t seem like a change at all. It was painful throughout. And the doctor wasn’t even there yet. He was on his way. But Yvonne was moving too quick for him! After 15-20 minutes of pushing, the baby was out and crying and in Yvonne’s arms.

Now for those of you who have never witness an actual labor, that is quite an experience. I know you high schoolers have seen the video giving birth. Or even if you watched Knocked Up, you saw a glimpse of the baby crowning. Yeah. I saw all that. And those videos/movies are nothing compared to real life. In those videos and movies you saw, you could see the pain. But those were easy. Yvonne’s… Not so easy. But she did great. Spectacular. In all honesty, I should have been complete grossed out. Yet, I wasn’t. God must have had something to do with that.

Seriously though. It’s gross. It’s nothing like what I seen before. I think the grossest thing was when after giving birth to the boy, the placenta has to come out later. It’s just this big ol’ bloody glob that shoots out. It’s quite disgusting. Yet I wasn’t disgusted by it. Strange, huh?

Anyways. I must go shower and brush my teeth. This has been one long post! Hopefully you’ve made it this far! 🙂

Baby’s Room… Almost there…

Yvonne’s been in her “nesting” state the past 5 days or so. The baby is definitely getting ready to burst out. And it looks like it’ll be sooner than later. But we still don’t know. It could start tomorrow, or it could start in 4 weeks.

But the clothes are clean and put away. Sheets have been washed. Clothes hung up. Toys have been opened. Bags are packed. Drinks are ready. Nurse gift box is just about done. I think we’re almost ready. Now the baby just needs to be ready.


Video of nursery

You stole from a baby!!!

I just posted on my site about the burglary of our house, and for the most part, we didn’t feel like we lost much to things we were really attached to. It’s all stuff that we’d like to have, but it’s all materialistic stuff.

Our house was ransacked and trashed up. The bedrooms were littered with stuff. They emptied the drawers looking for stuff (like we would hide jewelry or money there). We see the nursery door was open, but nothing inside was touched. It seems like they didn’t look in the drawers or take any of the stuff in the nursery. Yay! At least they left the baby’s stuff alone.

That is until we remember what was missing in the closet downstairs. Our unopened Pack N Play Playyard was missing. They stole our baby’s playyard!!! That really bummed me out. They stole from our baby.

Anyways. Here’s a picture of us in our nursery. Yvonne’s getting big.

Chris & Yvonne

Baby Wong has a name… we think

Caleb Joshua Wong

Caleb – faithful, bold
Joshua – God is my salvation
Wong – My name

After much discussion, this is what we came up with. I was still pushing for Obadiah Wong, but that continued to get vetoed. She might say she didn’t veto it (would you really want your kid to be named Obadiah?), but that’s veto in my book.