Caleb loves water… in his baths, in a pool, in the ocean… or even in the kitty bowls (if mommy doesn’t move them away in time). Here’s one cute video of him having some bathtub splash fun.
Big Island Travels
We just spent the last 3 days on the Big Island with Bel, Stan, & baby Noah. Here are some highlights and funny moments.
- We explored a lava tube and lots of lava rocks. The volcano here is currently active, so we were trying to go visit the site where you can see lava going into the ocean. Well, let’s just say the boys were navigating and we found ourselves at a totally different spot. But I must say, where we went was nice too… and probably heaps safer for the babies. We saw the area of the last most recent lava activity (about 5 years ago). Caleb was so fussy after not getting any naps and being in a car all day. He wouldn’t be soothed in our arms. Finally I had to nurse him while we walked to the lava site. It was like carrying a sack of potatoes on a hike. And, baby Caleb decided to have another poop explosion… this time all over mommy’s shirt and pants and the Ergo baby carrier. It was quite impressive.
- On our trip, Caleb found himself a new toy… baby Noah who lays there like non-moving target. Poor Noah. Just wait ’til Noah can roll and crawl well. He’ll be chasing after you, Caleb.
- Caleb fell asleep on the beach. I put him down in his tent… and he stayed asleep!!! well, it was for only 25 minutes, but it’s a first for him to go to sleep with lights and sounds without much of a fight.
- We wanted to visit a macadamia nut farm. Stan found one on the internet. We went there and found this house on a farm. Very interesting. Nobody else was there. We got a nice personal tour of the mac nut trees, kona coffee beans, & avocado & banana trees. We learned that bananas were originally eaten on the Island by only males. Females would be killed if they ate this food associated with male fertility. We found big spiders there. Chris liked them a lot! He wanted to take one home with us.
- Chris looks mighty cute taking care of 2 munchkins.
Poopy Poop
So, Chris takes Caleb to our local grocery store here (Tamura’s) by himself. He wants to give me some time to rest since I haven’t been feeling well since yesterday. All we really need is some water, and maybe a little bit of something for lunch.
I wake up from a nap wondering where my hubby and baby are. I call them. Chris starts laughing on the phone and tells me that Caleb had a poop explosion… a diarrhea one. Caleb has been having diarrhea since starting antibiotics last week (he had been sick for over 3 weeks).
Chris comes home carrying baby Caleb in only a diaper. His purchases = diapers + baby food (peas and prunes). Chris’ white Bucks t-shirt is spotted with brown liquid poop. I couldn’t stop laughing. Chris forgot to take the diaper bag with him, so he had to buy diapers there. He carried dripping poopy Caleb thru the supermarket to buy diapers. He didn’t have the hands to carry a big jug of water, but he could hold peas and prunes baby food jars. Hahaaa. So, are we really going to be feeding prunes to Caleb after he’s just had a diarrhea explosion? Hahaha.
Caleb came home with a big smile on his face. He had fun with his daddy.
Awh, too bad I didn’t take any pictures of Caleb’s poopy clothes or Chris in his poopy shirt. You’d be laughing too. Here’s a cute pic of Caleb in his sunnies, hat, & New Zealand swimwear.
My, How I’ve Grown
[Caleb just celebrated his 8 month birthday on Wednesday, 3/27. Happy birthday, baby boy!]
I’ve got 8 teeth now. Can you see them when I smile big?
I can brush my own teeth now… kind of.
I’ve really excelled in my music class. This is how we play those jingle bell things.
I’m getting faster, but I still crawl like I’m a soldier.
I like to pull myself up on anything I can.
I’m fine tuning my pincer grasp. I’ve gotten much better at eating cheerios, except for those few slippery ones that just don’t want to stay in my mouth.
I’ve learned some new tricks along the way.
I’ve even learned how to shake my head no.
[We love you so much, baby Caleb! It’s so fun watching you learn new things.]
Yummy Yams
Family Devotions
We’re trying to start the discipline of setting time aside for family devotions.
It’s been quite interesting for all of us. Either Chris or me reads and the other tries to stop Caleb from eating the Bible.
6 Month Pictures
My special workout
So early last week, a friend of mine asked, “Have you been working out now? You look like you’ve lost a lot of weight.” Haha!!!! I replied, “No, I don’t even have time to sleep… I definitely don’t have time to work out.” But later, as I thought about it, I have been working out heaps…. with a 17-18 pound munchkin in tow nearly 24-7. hee-hee. thanks, Caleb. you’re helping me lose weight. 🙂
More on Jury Duty
So, in a previous post, I mentioned getting a jury duty summons. I had to send in an excuse because I’m breastfeeding Caleb and they don’t allow moms to bring their babies.
Last Wednesday, 10/10, I received another jury summons stating that my excuse has been denied. The summons noted that I need to be on jury duty the week of October 6. What?!! What am I going to do with Caleb? 10/6! It’s already 10/10. How can I be on jury duty now if I only just got my summons? Wait a second. 10/6? That was a Saturday. When have they ever started jury duty on a Saturday? Upon closer examination, Chris & I discovered that the date is actually October 6, 2008. Ha-ha… 2008! They postponed my jury duty for a year. Hope I remember it in a year.
Jury Duty
Hee-hee… so I got a jury summons notice in the mail yesterday. This morning I called to register. Told the woman on the phone that I’m breastfeeding my baby. She asked me if I was back to work. I told her no. She asked me if I was sure. I said yes. She asked when I’m planning to go back to work… I told her I wasn’t sure, but I’m planning to breastfeed my baby for at least a year. She sounded shocked on the phone as if she didn’t believe me… “Really?” She then tersely tells me to fill out sections A, D, and G and send the form in to be excused from jury duty… then abruptly hangs up. Chris is going on day 3 of having to go to his jury duty summons. He’s in the process of a jury selection that started late Monday afternoon.