Sleep little baby

So if you didn’t know, we’re trying hard to get our baby to sleep.  Most of you don’t know the pains and effort we try not just to get our baby to sleep, but also to keep him asleep.  At night, he’ll wake up every hour or so.  He’ll start moaning and groaning, and eventually will be full on awake.  So we had been picking him up and sooth him and get him back to sleep.  But the problem is trying to get him back into the crib.  He’s got this seventh sense (sixth sense is knowing when you’re sitting down and holding him) about when we’re going to put him back in the crib.  Once he touches down, he often start moaning and groaning and eventually crying again.  It takes a great amount of work and patience to endure this multiple times a night and it is HARD.

So last night, both Yvonne and I got tired of constantly trying to put him in the crib to sleep.  So we just left him there awake.  So what would happen.

Now in the past, this did not work.  We’ve tried.  He’ll cry and cry.  "Sleep on my own.  What a silly idea."  I’m sure that’s what he was thinking before.  And when Caleb cries, he cries.  It’s gets hard to console this crying baby which is why we always tried to prevent it before he does.

Caleb was playing around when he woke up this last time.  So we left him there awake, but tired, in the crib.  We both headed back to our room to see how he does, both expecting him to cry eventually when he got bored of playing and being awake.  So we wait, listening intently to the monitor.  We hear him talk and talk.  And slowly it starts fading.  We hear him talk again but less and it fades…  Again talking less, then fades…  Until there’s no more.

I believe Yvonne went to go check up on him and what do you know… He’s asleep.  What the?  He fell asleep by himself!  No way!  That happened at 2am.  He wakes up again at 5am to feed.  And Yvonne again leaves him awake in the crib to sleep when he wouldn’t go down asleep.  And again… he falls asleep inside the crib.

Now I’m just reading over this entry again, and I don’t know if I properly explained how frustrating and how difficult a task it was to get Caleb to sleep.  You can’t truly understand this unless you’ve gone through it yourself.  But I don’t care if you don’t understand.  As long as this sleep thing improves, that’s all that matters to me.  Hopefully this isn’t a one time thing fluke where he falls asleep on his own.  Please, Lord, let this be the norm.

Keep on praying for us.  We surely appreciate it.

Now onto some pictures:





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