Recent Pictures

The AAP doesn’t recommend TV watching for kids until 5 years of age, but you know what?  Those “rules” go out the door when you quickly learn that your son sits still for at least 2 minutes when watching TV… just enough time for mommy or daddy to cut his fingernails and toe nails. 




Here’s a picture of Caleb in his forward-facing car seat.  He loves the view!  His index finger in his mouth has been a nearly permanent fixture for at least a week.  This boy is drool city.  He has all 8 of his incisors, his 2 top canines, and his four 2-year old molars.  His bottom 2 incisors are busting their way through the gums.  Caleb nearly has 16 of his 20 baby teeth.  Go Caleb! 



Here’s a fun video of me kicking my beach ball around.


I love to imitate mommy.  She butters her bagel.  I try to too.



Hold me, hold me.  “Bao-bao”



How much can I stuff into my snack cup?



Where’s Caleb?  Here I am!



Sleeping In

So, it’s 7:26AM and Chris & I are wondering what’s wrong with our son.  We’re awake before him.  I’m staring at the video monitor, and he seems to be just fine… sleeping away.  Did you drug my son, Chris?

Hope Klutziness Isn’t an Inherited Trait!

Caleb has heaps of bumps and bruises.  He’s discovered this amazing ability to be able to walk one direction while turning his head and looking another direction.  Of course, this leads to trouble.  He’s run into so many walls and tables.  And he likes to try to walk really fast.  His knees and shins look like mommy beats him.

So, last week, Chris tells me his head hurts.  Why?  He closes my trunk SUV door on his head.  What?!  How did you do that?  I’ve never heard of anybody closing a trunk door on their head.  I laughed at him.  I’ve had this SUV for 7 years, and I’ve NEVER closed the trunk door on my head.  Caleb must have gotten his klutziness from his daddy.

Today, we went to the Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey circus in Anaheim.  It was Chris’ and Caleb’s first time.  Caleb had so much fun, but he didn’t nap long on the way to the circus.  And, it lasted much longer than we expected.  Caleb was ready for a long afternoon nap.  So, we were hurrying at the end to get him home.  We removed the stroller from the SUV trunk to make room for a quick diaper change.  Chris goes to put Caleb in his car seat.  I put the stroller back in the trunk and close the door.  I had to lean in cuz the stroller was starting to fall out.  Whack (really hard)!  Whoa.  That’s right.  I hit myself.  No, not just a little hit.  I whacked my face hard.  My vision went black for a couple of seconds, but not to worry… I didn’t pass out.  I made it back to the passenger front seat.  Tears were rolling down my face.  It was like some uncontrolled reflex since I hit the bridge of my nose so hard.  My forehead, nose, & eyes were throbbing.  Chris tells me I’m bleeding across my nose and it’s getting swollen.  Then, he says, “See, I’m not the only one who can hit my head.”  It hurt my nose so bad to laugh.  6 hours later after lots of ice, it feels much better.  Just a dull ache.  The cut really isn’t bad at all.  I wonder if I’ll get a bad bruise across my face.  Poopers, we have a wedding next Sunday.  And, we’re supposed to have Caleb’s 1 year old family pictures taken.  Oh well.  It’s pretty funny now.  Watch out for those dangerous SUV trunk doors!  I guess Caleb may get my klutziness too.  Poor Caleb.

More about Me before I turn 13 months old

I like to sit on stairs. 


I still like to eat.  Aren’t I a cutie?


I love reading, and I love my cat Tommy.


I still love stacking… only higher now.  And, I like dumping things out for mommy to clean up again.  Sometimes I’ll actually put away my toys myself.


I love to imitate mommy.  She cleans, I clean (at least I try).



I have a new pair of shoes.  Well, grandma & grandpa bought them for me over a month ago.  These Stride Rite shoes are more expensive than any shoes mommy has ever bought (except for her rockclimbing or hiking shoes).  I didn’t like these shoes before.  They made me trip and fall.  This is a video of me trying on my 1st pair of shoes again a few days ago.  I like them much better now.


I still love music.  I used to dance by bouncing my butt up and down.  Now, I twirl/spin.


I’ve got 11 or more teeth now.  I got 3 molars in right after I turned one.  1 more waiting to pop out on the bottom left jaw.  My canines are coming out too.  Soon (maybe), I’ll have 16 teeth.  Almost done with getting all my baby teeth, and I’m not even 13 months old!

My many positions of sleep

Chronicling the many ways Caleb likes to sleep.

Note that many are viewed through his portable video monitor.  And the camera above his crib doesn’t move.

















And, yes… since turning Caleb forward-facing in his carseat after he turned 1, he now likes to fall asleep in the car.  I think he’s fallen asleep more times in the front-facing car seat in the last 2-3 weeks than he did his whole 1st year of life.  No picture yet.

Clapping Video

Oh, this is a very late post.  Somebody noticed that we never posted a clip of Caleb really clapping.  I forgot.  This is Caleb clapping.  It’s several months old now, but here it is.

Baby Caleb Sleeps Thru the Night!!!

Yes, you read right.  Caleb slept through the night last night.  It’s a miracle. 

It all started when he turned 1 on 6/27/08.  We were at youth camp.  He slept 9 hours straight, but woke up at 4 something in the morning.  Despite the early morning wake up, we were ecstatic.  Then the next 2-3 weeks, Caleb just teased us… sometimes waking multiple times in the night, sometimes having trouble even falling asleep, sometimes staying awake for long periods of time in the middle of the night… or sometimes only waking up once or doing long stretches of sleep.  Then this past week, he started stretching out his sleep more consistently.  8 hours one night.  9 hours another night.  9.5 hours another night.  But he would struggle with going back to sleep after these long stretches of sleep, keeping mommy up with him from 4 or 5 in the morning. 

Caleb’s been occasionally resisting his morning nap… or taking shorter morning naps.  He started consistently dropping a nap this past week, which may be why he’s sleeping longer at night.  I think Caleb’s in the process of transitioning from 2 to 1 nap. 

Anyhow, 2 nights ago, Caleb slept 10 hours straight, from 8PM to 6AM.  we thought that was a miracle.  Then 1 night ago, he woke up once at 11:50PM.  He had a huge stinky poop.  I changed him, put him down immediately, and back to sleep he went in less than a minute or two!  He slept until 6am-ish.  Then last night… the momentous night that calls for major partying… Caleb slept from 7:35PM to 6:40AM.  11 hours!  He did wake up right before 5AM, but put himself back to sleep after 10 minutes of crying.  This is utterly amazing.  And now for the last 2 days, he’s back to taking his 2 naps again… 3 hours of naps per day, 11 hours at night….  it’s textbook.  My goodness… we have a textbook angel baby. 

For those of you who have not been on this sleep deprivation saga with us, you have no idea what joy it brings us to see our son sleeping.  We know this may not be the end of all the sleepless nights for Caleb.  But pray with us that it is!  Meanwhile, we’re praising God for what He’s given us so far.



Happy Birthday

Happy 1 year birthday!

Caleb had his 1 year birthday party a week before his actual birthday.  His actual birthday was when we were at camp.  (By the way, who’s camera was used to take pictures at his birthday?  I have mostly video footage)

Caleb had a blast at his party.  Too much of a blast that he didn’t get much of a nap in afternoon (only 30 minutes).  Of course if that wasn’t enough, after his wild birthday party he goes another baby’s birthday party.  2 parties in one day.  Let’s just say that Caleb didn’t sleep too well that night either.  I believe he woke up 6 times?

My wife informed me that he woke up not 6 times, but 8 times.




Caleb got some great toys for his birthday.  He had so many new toys he didn’t know what to do with them all.  But his favorite toy (now) has to be his trucks.  He loves those trucks.




Of course sometimes he just likes plain ol’ boxes.


And sometimes he likes Tommy in the plain ol’ box.


His actual birthday was more laid back even though we were at camp.  He had a bunch of people play with him.  He got to play with his trucks around camp.  And then on the night of his birthday, he woke up once at 8:45pm.  He didn’t wake up again until 5:40am!  Almost 9 straight hours of sleep.  I must say I was amazed.  If he could do 9 hours every night, he would have some much more happier (and awake) parents.


Youth Camp

We came back from youth camp today.  Caleb’s very first youth camp was an incredibly exciting one for him.  He got to play in the dirt.  He had lots of people giving him attention.  He got scrapes from walking and falling down and getting back and then falling down again.  And best of all, he had his best sleeping night ever in his life on his birthday!  Praise the Lord!

Now only if he could sleep 9 hours straight every night.  That would be great.








Toilet Paper Fun

Here’s a picture finally of the result of one episode of Caleb’s toilet paper fun.  He got distracted by Ellie our cat… otherwise, the result could have been much worse!
