In the beginning when we first changed from cloth diapers to disposable ones, we kept trying to find the right one. At first we went with Huggies Snug n Dry. At that time, Caleb was maybe 8 or 9 months. Let’s just say the Snug n Dry might have kept his booty dry. But it sure didn’t keep his clothes dry. So we finally found Huggies Supreme, and they worked great for the most part.
The problem with the Huggies Supreme wasn’t their performance, but their price. They didn’t sell them at Price Club (Costco). They only sold the Snug n Dry diapers there and they were significantly cheaper than the Supremes we were using. So after 6 months, we tried to use the Snug n Drys again. Maybe after growing so much, and losing some of his chub they would work better And they worked well for the most part.
And then comes yesterday night. We were at the mall last night to get out and eat dinner. Caleb has been a pretty regular pooper. He usually goes 2-3 times every day, which is a lot, but still normal. Yesterday he had been pooping a lot. I had changed him 3 times already before we went to the mall. Number 4 came at the mall just as we were about to leave.
Now I (we) had a decision to make. We could change him there. But he was just going to go home and take shower anyways. So why change him and put him in a new diaper only to have to take it off again when we get home 10 minutes later?
So I decided to let him be. And let him sit in his stinky diaper. Let’s just say that didn’t turn out so well.
We get home and I take him out of his car seat. I notice my arm being a little wet, and when I hand him off to Yvonne, there’s a big ol’ brown spot on his back/butt.
Snug n Dry. Dry on the butt. Not on the clothes.
And a note to you Britax Boulevard car seat owners. If you get poop or any other foul smell on the car seat, it’s a pain in the butt to get the cover off. Just FYI.
I agree the car seat covers are a pain the butt to get off. Thanksfully we have only had to do this twice.
Have you tried Pamper’s Crusiers? Those are my #1 favorites. I’ve heard that they aren’t as good on boys though. So it is just trial and error. I always go online and search for coupons. Then look for sales and stock up. Sometimes Target will put them on sale, then I’ll add my $2 off coupon and it is a great savings.
Thank goodness we have an underwear wearing girl in our house now!
Caleb! Where were you today? My nose needed punching.