Caleb’s Baby Dedication

You’re invited to Caleb’s Baby Dedication on Sunday, 11/18/07!

San Gabriel Valley Alliance Church
1027 S. First Avenue
Arcadia, CA 91006


Come see which outfit Caleb wears. Chris would be happy to see Caleb in a Mlikwaukee Bucks oufit. I would love to see Caleb in his first polo shirt/onesie.

But more importantly, come celebrate and pray with us as we publicly dedicate our beautiful son to His Maker.

4 month immunizations

Baby Caleb had to have his 4-month vaccines yesterday. Daddy Chris had (and will continue in the future to have) the honor of holding our son for his vaccines. Caleb’s been fussy and feverish with an unhappy tummy. Poor Chris had to sleep holding Caleb with his legs propped up to help Caleb relieve his gassy intestines (compliments of the oral rotavirus vaccine).

When we have a chance, we’ll upload a picture of Caleb’s legs. They gave him cute Charlie Brown bandaids–one on each rotund thigh.

Oh almost forgot… Caleb is now 17 pounds, 7 oz (95th percentile) and 26 1/4 inches long (90th percentile). And, I thought he was slowing down… I guess I was wrong… 🙂

I have feet!

Caleb found his feet today. It’s adorable. He wiggles his toes and watches in amazement. Then he grabs his feet with his hands (sometimes both hands grab 1 foot), and he looks shocked that he found his feet. My goodness Caleb is developing fast.

My special workout

So early last week, a friend of mine asked, “Have you been working out now? You look like you’ve lost a lot of weight.” Haha!!!! I replied, “No, I don’t even have time to sleep… I definitely don’t have time to work out.” But later, as I thought about it, I have been working out heaps…. with a 17-18 pound munchkin in tow nearly 24-7. hee-hee. thanks, Caleb. you’re helping me lose weight. 🙂

First Tooth

So after 2 months of nearly nonstop drenching drool and animal-like gnawing, our son has cut his first tooth. So many people told me he’s too young to be teething. After a month of these symptoms with no tooth as proof, I started wondering myself if I was just poorly assessing Caleb. But, lo and behold, the first rough tooth top of his bottom right incisor has definitely erupted.

More on Jury Duty

So, in a previous post, I mentioned getting a jury duty summons. I had to send in an excuse because I’m breastfeeding Caleb and they don’t allow moms to bring their babies.

Last Wednesday, 10/10, I received another jury summons stating that my excuse has been denied. The summons noted that I need to be on jury duty the week of October 6. What?!! What am I going to do with Caleb? 10/6! It’s already 10/10. How can I be on jury duty now if I only just got my summons? Wait a second. 10/6? That was a Saturday. When have they ever started jury duty on a Saturday? Upon closer examination, Chris & I discovered that the date is actually October 6, 2008. Ha-ha… 2008! They postponed my jury duty for a year. Hope I remember it in a year.

Caleb’s 3 month pictures


Caleb’s rolling from his tummy to his back now… and every once in a while from his back to his tummy. He’s got 2 adorable laughs… one sounds kind of like a giggle… the other like “huh-huh” but with a huge toothless drooly grin.

Caleb went to his first concert last night – David Crowder Band – one of his daddy’s favorite Christian bands. He donned these hilarious infant hearing protection earmuffs. Wish I had a picture to show you, but they didn’t allow cameras into the House of Blues. We’ll take one at the National Youth Workers Convention this coming weekend.


Happy 3 month birthday, Caleb!

Caleb and I went to our first MOMS group. 4 other moms were there at one gal’s house. it was breakfast recipe day. everybody was supposed to make a breakfast item and bring copies of the recipe to share with the other moms. I’ve been wanting to get out of the house and meet other moms, but I was thinking I may be in over my head with this cooking/recipe stuff. I was worried I might be hanging out with a bunch of “Stepford Wives” moms or something like that. Who has time to cook breakfast? Don’t most people just have instant oatmeal, toast, or cereal? Or aren’t they like Chris and they run out the door and eat lunch as their first meal? Well, I learned that this was their first recipe day. I made these ice cream muffins… 2 ingredients in the recipe – bisquick and ice cream. mix, pour, and bake. doesn’t get any simpler! it made me feel better when one of the other moms brought store-bought croissants and said here’s our breaksfast. hee-hee. real life as a mother.

it was nice meeting with other moms. their kids were 15 months to 2+ years. they told me about their own spit up, poop, and lack-of-sleep stories. it was encouraging to hear that it gets easier. they were amazed at how good Caleb is… how mellow he is. Caleb’s so good in front of other people. Way to go, Caleb… you fooled them all! i got home and not more than 5 minutes later, my little angel started wailing for an hour before finally giving in to a needed nap. so, my little 3-month angel is laying in my lap napping. in 10 minutes or so, he’ll be up and ready to eat and play again. it makes for a busy day taking care of a baby. but, Caleb is so adorable! as much as i miss my sleep, a clean house, peaceful car rides, being able to eat dinner at the same time as my husband, i definitely wouldn’t give back my little munchkin now.

lots of pictures at caleb will be taking his 3 month pictures this weekend.

New horizons

Today we tried a pacifier with Caleb. He sucked a little, furrowed up his eyebrows, and promptly spit it out. Pretty funny to watch. Chris tried again. Same reaction plus crying.

Tonight we tried a bottle for the first time since Caleb was first born. It’s been over 3 weeks since I’ve had obviously tender breasts. He’s been breastfeeding so well, so we thought we’d see if he’d take to a bottle (in case we ever need it in the future). Our lactation consultant said to wait several weeks after breastfeeding goes well, and to be prepared that he may not want the bottle at all. She warned me that I would probably need to leave the house, etc. Well, Caleb liked the bottle. We got this special one (1st Years Breastflow) with a double nipple designed to make Caleb drink as if he’s drinking from the breast. Bottlefeeding went so well with Chris & Caleb that I almost felt unwanted. But then he drank again from my breast happily.

Nay pacifier, Yay bottle.

Jury Duty

Hee-hee… so I got a jury summons notice in the mail yesterday. This morning I called to register. Told the woman on the phone that I’m breastfeeding my baby. She asked me if I was back to work. I told her no. She asked me if I was sure. I said yes. She asked when I’m planning to go back to work… I told her I wasn’t sure, but I’m planning to breastfeed my baby for at least a year. She sounded shocked on the phone as if she didn’t believe me… “Really?” She then tersely tells me to fill out sections A, D, and G and send the form in to be excused from jury duty… then abruptly hangs up. Chris is going on day 3 of having to go to his jury duty summons. He’s in the process of a jury selection that started late Monday afternoon.