Yummy Thumb

OK, I really should be studying for my New Testament final (I’m finishing up a distance learning class for my masters program at Fuller… and yes, I know I’m crazy)…

But, Caleb is sooo cute. I couldn’t resist taking more webcam pics. Here’s one of them… he’s gonna be a thumb-sucker…



all these things i’ve been thinking of writing, but haven’t…

1. Chris told me breastfeeding moms are excused from jury duty. Just an FYI for all those people out there who wanted to know. Of course, I haven’t been called to jury duty. Hey would they let me bring Caleb with me if I was called and wanted to do jury duty?

2. I’m still on medical maternity leave. I saw my OBGYN this past Wednesday. I haven’t been medically released since my perineum still hasn’t fully healed. But it’s sooo much better than it was a month ago. I feel like I could go hiking if it wasn’t so hot! Maybe it’ll cool down more and I’ll take Caleb for a short little jaunt up at Monrovia Canyon. Shh, don’t tell my doctor.

3. So, Chris tells me the other day that my ankles and calves look skinny. It’s amazing how pregnancy makes your hubby forget what you used to look like.

4. We took some church youth camping 2 weekends ago. I wouldn’t recommend it for any new moms out there. What used to be outdoor fun is now a “keeping your newborn clean and warm” nightmare. And, it’s nearly impossible to put up a tent when you’ve got a baby in your arms.

5. At the camping trip on Saturday, Chris points out that my eye is bleeding. Sure enough I developed a subconjunctival hemorrhage. It’s impossible to find an available optometrist or open clinic in Wrightwood on the weekends. My eye’s fine, but I’ve had to wear glasses for the past 2 weeks. I’ll be in glasses for a bit longer now since I lost my contacts by accident. I’ve gotta find an optometrist since mine (my sister Sandra) moved to Panama.

What a cutie!
Just Hatched

Just Hatched Again


We took Caleb to the pediatrician today.

Our boy is 13 pounds, 3 oz… 90th percentile for his age. He’s 90-95th percentile for his height of 24.5 inches. Caleb’s not so little anymore.

I made Chris hold Caleb for his shots. Mind you, I’m an ER nurse who’s done heaps of shots and IV’s on babies… but nope, I can’t stand to watch my baby cry. He got 8 vaccinations–4 shots and one oral! Polio, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus Influenza Type B, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Pneumococcus, and Rotavirus.

Caleb turns 10 weeks tomorrow. Happy early birthday, my adorable boy.

Happy Birthday

Happy 8-Week Birthday, Caleb Joshua Wong!

Caleb is 12 pounds now. I’ve retired a bunch of his newborn clothes already. Chris pointed out this morning that Caleb’s as long as my torso now.


6 weeks old

Caleb is 6 weeks old on my birthday! He’s 11 pounds now. I promise that all we’re giving the boy is breast milk.

I saw my OBGYN for my 6 week postpartum visit. I’m definitely doing better. The past few days, I’ve been pulling out my stitches on my own. They were supposed to fall out or dissolve on their own 30+ days ago, so I figured I’d help them along now. My OB says I’ve got another localized perineal infection in the area that’s still healing, but thinks it’ll resolve on its own. I have another follow up appointment in 4 weeks. Until then, more sitz baths and peri-care. I can’t wait til the day I can pee on the toilet normally again.

During my doc appointment, my OB mentioned that I can start walking now and that I don’t have to be on bedrest any more… I almost started laughing, but instead I told him, “OK, great.” In my head, I was thinking, “Hmm, I guess I’ve been in bed… on occasion.”

Since I’m allowed to walk now (hee-hee), maybe I should go get me some birthday cake I haven’t had time to eat yet. Should I wake up Chris? Nah. Caleb looks so cute cuddling up with Chris.

No turning back now

So, on occasion, as Caleb reverts back to chomping my breasts, I comment that I’m going to give up this whole breastfeeding thing. But, I looked at how much we’ve invested… there’s no turning back now. This boy is going to be a breastfed boy unless God makes it clear otherwise.

Nursing Bras – $180 (overpriced but I didn’t know this before)
Nursing Tanktops – $100 (also overpriced)
Boppy Pillow – $50 (gift from my sister)
Breastfeeding Cover-Up Apron ??? (gift from Clara)
Medela Pump-In-Style Advanced – $300
Extra Breast Pump Spare Parts – $54
Lanolin ointment for my sore nipples – $35 (plus more given by Irene)
Vitamin E for my cracked nipples – $10
Gel soothie patches for my breast pain – $40
Breast Shields to prevent clothing from touching my sore breasts – $20
Lactation Consult (Initial Visit) – $125
Special Syringe feeding kit – $45
Lactation Consult (follow up) – $95
Extra Feeding Syringes – $45
Nursing Shirts – $115
3.5 weeks of bleeding, blistered, burning, cracked, sore nipples & areola
Followed by 1.5 weeks of sore tender nipples

TOTAL COST – $1214
… way too much money & pain to even think about giving up breastfeeding

Look like who?

So it seems like the consensus opinon is that Caleb looks like Yvonne. It’s about 75% in favor of Yvonne. Minus my family, and that number shoots up close to 100%.

Yvonne and I were looking at our infant photos just to compare. So now… who does he look like? Picture 1? Or Picture 2?


Picture 1
Picture 1

Picture 2
Picture 2

10 pounder

Caleb’s 10 pounds now… well sorta… with onesies, socks, and a dry cloth diaper. He’s at least half the weight of one of our cats now. Watch out, Tommy & Ellie… Soon Caleb will be using you as pillows and having fun pulling your tails.


Us crazy Wongs took a trip up to Oakland this past weekend. I know, i know… we’re crazy. I’m still having trouble walking and we decide to go on this trip. Actually, this trip was planned long before Caleb came. I figured that by this time, I’d be healed and we’d be in a nice routine… perfect for going on our first travel adventure as a family.

We went with my mom, my mom’s dog, my sister Sandra, and her 2-year old daughter Eileen. Drove up in a mini van. That was one full vehicle! I’ve never packed so much stuff in my life for a trip! Normally, the trip takes 5-6 hours. Took us over 8 hours on the way up and 10 hours on the way down. Hee-hee. It was tense on this trip at times as my mom’s patience waned with Eileen. But, I must admit there were some hilarious moments. We pulled off on exits I’ve never heard of with no street lights, no gas stations, nothing… all just to breastfeed wailing Caleb. My mom and sister peed next to the van when there was no place else to go. Chris cleaned enough explosive poopy diapers to be called a Poop Expert now.

FIRSTS on this trip:
– Traveling in a car with Caleb for something besides the doctors or breastfeeding class.
– Eating in a restaurant with Caleb
– Taking Caleb to church
– Staying in a hotel with Caleb
– Sleeping in a bed big enough for all 3 of us (so that Chris & Yvonne aren’t falling off)
– Yvonne traveling with her sitz bath (the hotel workers must have thought we were moving in)
– Taking Caleb to a social function (Sam & Charis’ wedding reception)
– Trying to breastfeed Caleb in restaurants and in church
– Yvonne squatting over dirty toilets to pee and do “peri-care” (keeping my perineum area clean)
– Yvonne’s first time drinking milk & having an ice cream shake since pregnancy (not so good on baby Caleb or Yvonne’s tummy… by the way)

It was good, though, seeing Sam & Charis… and lots of others. The great thing about the difficulties of traveling is that taking care of Caleb and myself at home now seems a bit easier than before. 🙂

Thanks for praying for us!!! I’m starting to feel better with less frequent perineal pain now. I have a nurse midwife coming Wednesday morning to do a second opinion consult. Going on 5 weeks now since Caleb’s birth and I still haven’t healed fully. Thanks for your continued prayers.


caleb’s 9 pounds already! he likes to eat.

he’s already heavier than the normal bowling ball weight i use.