Caleb in his new bed

Caleb has done really well in his big boy bed.  He still doesn’t just lay in bed waiting to get tucked in at night (like what you see of kids in the illustrations of bedtime books).  We have to leave, he has to get upset, and then he gets into bed on his own.  Tonight, he didn’t cry or fuss getting into bed.  Yay!  That was a nice present for me since Chris was busy running a youth missions night at church.



Caleb…. where he’s not supposed to be…. in Caris’ bassinet (the one that Caris has outgrown and we haven’t had the time to take apart to store).


Big Boy Bed

Caleb’s officially in a big boy bed!  We’ve kept the door to his crib (yes, his crib had a door in the gate) open for the past 3.5 weeks since Caleb fell on his face climbing out of his crib and announced that he was scared.  He’s done really well so far for his nap and bedtime.  He hasn’t even fallen out of the bed yet… and he keeps readjusting himself so that his head is on the pillow.  Very cute.  He’s still says he’s scared.  We have to have a night light on and keep his door open.  But at least he’s sleeping. 

Pray that this transition goes well! 

Caleb turns 2!!

Oh, my… I can’t believe my son is 2.  Actually, he turned 2 yesterday (sorry Caleb for the late post).  If you ask Caleb, he’ll still say that he’s 1.  Oh well, I guess it’ll take time for him to adjust to his new age.  Caleb went to the water park at Santa Fe Dam today.  We had dinner at Old Spaghetti Factory.  I’ll have to put more pics up when I upload them.





Right now, Chris & I just watched our son fall out of his crib.  His crib has a door that we now leave open since he’d climb over the crib rails anyways.  He moves so much in his sleep…  and just now, he moved himself right out of the crib… pretty much did a flip out of the cirb.  we heard a groan, but no crying.  Then we saw Caleb roll to the right, out of the video camera’s sight.  I guess he’s still sleeping.  Enjoy the floor, Caleb.


A Blast From the Past:








That’s all for now.  Goodnight world.  Stay asleep, my sweet boy.

Now Scared?

It’s seems that Caleb is now scared of his crib. After months and months of good nights putting him to bed, last night all of the sudden he started wailing and crying when we put him in the crib. He wouldn’t/couldn’t tell us what was wrong, so I eventually just left him there to cry. I didn’t know what he wanted, but he fell asleep after a few minutes of wailing.

Fast forward to tonight, and he does it again. Only this time after leaving, we hear a big thump. Yes, that was Caleb climbing and falling out of the crib. He had a bloody nose and he cut his tongue. We know about these fears sometimes that suddenly occur in toddlers. But what do we do?

When all I can think about is pray, that’s where I’ll start. But someone has to have some idea and wisdom in this area. I certainly don’t. I just don’t want Caleb to die falling out of his crib while we find out what to do.

Yvonne’s sleeping with him now. This can’t become a habit. Caleb needs to figure out how to sleep on his own. Fears go away.


Caleb, Caris, & I were at Target shopping for a gift for a birthday party we were going to.  We were in the “princess” section.  Caleb starts to “Oo, oo” (in a very loud voice).  What?  Choo-choo.  There are no choo-choo trains in the princess section, Caleb.  “OO-OO” in an even louder voice.  I look over and see a red train, completely out of place on the shelf.  Caleb frantically keeps saying “oo-oo”… essentially communicating his desire to see the train. I hand it over to him to look at and tell him, “I’m just letting you hold and look at the train.  When we leave, we’ll have to put it back.”  I turn back to the princess shelf to look for our gift.  I turn back to find that Caleb has completely ripped open the train package.  Oh no!  Can I nonchalantly leave a half-opened/ripped train package on the shelf?  I don’t think so.  OK, Caleb, you win.  You get the train.   


The funny thing is this train wasn’t working.  It’s supposed to have a button that let lights and sounds go off.  But, the button wasn’t working.  So I returned the train the next day with its delapidated box.  Haha.  Good thing, Caleb hasn’t noticed its gone.  Mommy wins!

My Son is Big

I was looking at my Facebook profile picture, and I’m noticing how small he was in that picture.  He was walking at that time, but he’s small. And not only is he small, he’s got no hair too (not that he has a lot of hair now).  He still looks the same though.






On the Road Again

We’re out in Louisville, KY!  This was Caris’ first plane flight ever.  She was great on the flight here.  She fed at take off.  And she fell asleep.  And she slept.  And slept and slept some more.  She finally woke up when we landed almost 4 hours later.



Caleb was good on the plane as well.  He didn’t sleep the 4 hours like Caris did.  But he was good nonetheless.  He only got his 25 minute nap, but he tried to push on.  He had good company with him though to keep him entertained.

He had is pacifier


He had Leakless


He had Chick Hicks


And he had his media player with Cars on it.


We got our rental car.  A Ford Edge.  Not a bad car.  Caris seems to like it as well.  At least in the front seat.


We originally booked a suite from the Galt House since they had special convention rates while we were here.  After traveling with Caleb, we found that staying in a suite is so much better than staying in the same room.  So the suite would have been nice, except we didn’t get one. We got an apartment instead.  You read that correctly.  An apartment.  So initially when Yvonne told me they upgraded us for free to an apartment, I was thinking maybe we get an extra room or something.  Something just a little bigger.  Oh gosh.  Check out this video.

The place has 2 furnished bedrooms, and plus another unfurnished room and “work” room.  That’s 4 rooms we have available to us.  We stuck Caleb in one room with no windows.  It looks like a closet.  And could very well be used for a closet.  But it works well nonetheless.  He sleeps well in there.


Caris on the other hand isn’t so lucky.  We could have stuffed her in the other room, but we only brought one monitor with us.  We were planning on staying in the same room with her so we didn’t think we’d need a monitor for her.  So no separate room for Caris.  Yup.  It’s not Caleb who gets stuck in the closet, but Caris.  It is a big closet by the way.

We have beautiful view of the waterfront.  Caleb likes the boats.  He greatly enjoys looking out there even when his diapers are barely hanging on.



General Council (C&MA convention) has been going well.  It just started officially tonight.  We’re all still on LA time zone so that means waking up at 10/11 AM and going to sleep at 11PM.  It works out fine until we’re looking for places open for dinner at 10PM.  Or when I have my 7AM Friday morning breakfast.  Or even tomorrow’s 9AM session.  Not going to be easy getting up in the morning. 


But it might be easy since Caris’ hasn’t been sleeping that well since we got here.  She’s constantly waking up in the middle of the night and taking short naps during the day.  She must know something isn’t right.  And the crib we got is so dang low it’s hard to put her down in.  Every time we lean over to put her down she’s up wide awake!  So we did the only thing we thought we could do.  Go to Walmart and buy her a bassinet and sleep nest.  It seems to work better, but she’s still not sleeping well.  I think tonight has been her best night of sleeping so far, but it’s only been 2 hours.  Keep sleeping, girl!

We did some vacation stuff.  We went to the zoo today.  Caleb liked it a lot.  It definitely seems more entertaining and kid friendly than the LA zoo.  It’s got a water park where Caleb ran around and I got soaked.


It’s got monkeys (or gorillas if you want to call them that) who pose at you.



And it’s got none of the exotic animals kids don’t care about.  It’s perfect.

We got Caleb a backpack before the trip so he can help carry stuff.  It’s cute.  He walked funny without it before.  It just gets even more funny.

HFMD (con’t)

So, we’re better today.  I was a bit worried about Caris last night.  She was hungry, but cried every time she tried to latch on to nurse.  Her mouth was hurting from all her sores.  She kept crying throughout the night, but Chris did a great job calming her down.  When morning came, Caris finally had a pretty good feeding… then a wet diaper.  Yay!  She fed again 2 hours later before she saw the doctor.  She has at least 10 sores on her throat and heaps of them on her tongue.  Poor Caris. 

IMG_4037 (Chris finally getting a chance to sleep.)


I saw the doctor today too.  It’s my first time seeing a doctor for “sick” reasons in years.  I’ve never met my doctor on this insurance, and I need updated lab work done anyways.  She looked in my mouth and was amazed at how many sores I had.  She noted that I must have at least 50-60 lesions in my mouth and throat.  This definitely hurts.  So far, cheese and almond milk are friends of this lesion-ridden mouth.  Hee-hee, I have lesions elsewhere too…. palms of my hands, the soles of my feet, etc. 


(OK, so we couldn’t really get a good picture of these strange sores.  Oh well.  This is really not a very flattering picture.  Another oh well.)


Caleb’s doing better.  Still has mouth/throat sores, but able to eat & drink.  But, big brother is jealous of baby sister Caris getting so much attention now.  He does not like watching mommy try to nurse her so frequently…. or daddy holding her so much trying to soothe her.  *sigh*

So far, Chris is doing well.  Praise God.  Pray for him to figure out how to get all his work done in a timely manner.  He had to stay home to help me today.  We leave for General Council in 5 days.  Chris has deadlines at work he has to complete before we go.  Hard for him to keep up with work when he has to take care of the 3 of us.

Thanks for praying for us!

My 1st Easter Egg Hunt

We took Caleb for his first Easter Egg hunt.  Caris came along too, but slept the whole time.  This girl likes to sleep. 



Caleb spent a lot of his “hunt” time walking around and…


… watching the other toddlers run around picking up eggs.

And yes, that’s a sand bucket that I’m holding ‘cuz Mommy didn’t have enough time to buy one of those cute Easter baskets, and she’s too cheap to ever consider spending $5 on one at the actual event. 


Chris and I noticed that events like this bring out this strange side in parents.  Now these parents might normally be easygoing, laidback people.  But when it’s time for their child to find eggs at an Easter Egg Hunt, they certainly aren’t laidback anymore.  Caleb was in the 1-2 year old hunt, and these parents were still yelling and carrying their kid as fast as they could to each egg.  These kids can walk.  I would watch Chris point out an egg to Caleb.  As Caleb’s walking over to get it, another parent carrying their kid runs over and shouts, “Get the egg, get the egg (or some form of this phrase).”  Some of these kids had like 20 eggs.  Caleb got 2.  That’s OK.  He got all those eggs on his own. 


Caleb had fun at the egg hunt, but truthfully, he most enjoyed the toddler play area.






Happy Anniversary

OK, so I just read Chris’ post on closet dwelling.  That post came about from a conversation I had with him earlier.  I was the one wondering whether or not our closet in Louisville will be big/deep enough to hold a crib. 

There’s some background to this thinking.  Let me share.

For our anniversary, I took Chris (and Caleb) for a 1-night stay at Paradise Pier Hotel at Disneyland.  We had annual passes to Disneyland and they were about to expire, and we had decided to not renew them.  So, I thought this would be a perfect little anniversary gift.  Plus, they had just re-opened “It’s a Small World” in Disneyland.  I really did consider a suite, but it was a whole lot more money than I was willing to spend.  Sorry Chris.  So, we were in a regular hotel room (meaning we had no extra room for Caleb).  We went on a Sunday night.  We decided not to go early in the day since there’s church in the morning.  We didn’t want to miss service.  But we ended up not getting to the hotel until 4PM or so since some friends decided to take Chris out to a hotdog place in west LA for his birthday (which had been a week or so before this particular Sunday).  So, by the time we checked in, it was already getting late.  Chris makes a decision to keep Caleb up past his normal bedtime so that we can go to Disneyland and see It’s a Small World.  It’s busy there that day.  Some 1000+ member chorus was there with John Stamos narrating the Christmas story.  It’s a Small World is really busy.  We ended up not going on the ride.  Caleb didn’t do so well staying up late.  We missed dinner in order to try to get to the ride.  Big mistake.  By the time we got back to the hotel and got fussy, overtired Caleb down to sleep, most restaurants were closed.  Chris walks to the Rainforest Cafe to get us food at 10PM.  he gets back.  Oh where are we to eat?  Most normal people would eat in their hotel room, right?  Not us.  Not when we have our light sleeper son in the crib next to our dresser.  No way are we waking him up.  Now, we didn’t just forget that we had a light sleeper son.  We did try to plan this out.  There was this huge closet in the room.  But not huge enough.  We almost put Caleb in the closet, but we couldn’t since the crib didn’t fit.  So our boy is in our room.  No lights, no TV, no eating dinner in the room.  Argh.  So, what do we do with our Rainforest Cafe to-go anniversary dinner?  What any normal married couple would do…. We ate it sitting on the floor outside our hotel room.  Yup. 

The positive of all this is that Caleb slept until 7AM or so the next day without waking.  Yay.  And, the hotel staff actually surprised us by decorating our bed for our anniversary. 
